Situation 1: The Community Health Nurse conducts home visits to families in the community.
1. Planning for home visits is an essential tool in achieving best results in health care. The following
BUT ONE are the principles.
a. Home visits should have a purpose.
b. Plans are based on available information including those from other agencies that may have
rendered services to the family.
c. Planning of continuing care must be developed by the nurse.
d. Planning should be flexible and practical.
2. A significant factor in determining the frequency of the home visit is the
a. continuing care involving individual and family
b. policy of the local government
c. acceptance of the family of the services offered
d. purpose of the visit
3. The following are steps in home visit
1 – wash hands
2 – explain purpose of visit
3 – place bag in convenient place
4 – introduce self
a. 1, 4, 2, 3
b. 4, 2, 3, 1
c. 1, 2, 3, 4
d. 4, 3, 2, 1
4. In view of rendering effective nursing care, the nurse can perform nursing procedures with ease
and deftness and save time and effort by:
a. developing a health care plan with the family
b. making a personal account of the family’s health situation
c. assessing family situation through initial data base
d. promoting health in the family
5. In view of rendering effective nursing care, the nurse can perform nursing procedures with ease
and deftness and save time and effort by:
a. applying the nursing process
b. performing bag technique
c. developing a family care plan
d. prioritizing family health nursing
Situation 2: The Community Health nurse does health promotion at the community level.
6. The basic aim of the CH nurse in health promotion is
a. health protection of each and every
individual in the community
b. physical and mental health of families in
the community
c. enabling people to assume usual
functions in the soonest possible time
d. increasing the level of wellness to the
7. In promoting the health of the population groups, the CH nurse embarks on the following
activities EXCEPT:
a. Sex education among high school
b. Giving advice on balanced diet to
c. Strengthening support networks for
d. Immediate referral of drug dependents
in the community
8. Which of the following is a health promotion activity?
a. use of alternative treatment modalities like phranic healing and acupressure
b. administration of chemoprophylaxis
c. growth monitoring and promotion of other components of the under-fives care program
d. selective periodic examination
9. An example of self-care activity in health promotion is:
a. self-injection of insulin
b. self-dressing
c. self-learning
d. breast self-examination
10. In propagating individual wellness in the community, the CH nurse promotes:
a. immunization
b. healthy norms
c. personal hygiene
d. healthy lifestyle
Situation 3: The Sentrong Sigla Movement (SSM) promotes availability of quality health services in
health centers and hospitals to make these services accessible to every Filipino.
11. The SSM is in accordance with the mission statement of the Department of Health which is
a. Health for all Filipinos
b. Health for all in 2000 and health which is in the people in 2020
c. Health for all in 2000 and beyond
d. in partnership with the people, provision of accessible, equitable, and quality health services to
the marginalized segments of the population
12.SSM is done in collaboration between the DOH and the:
a. Local government units
b. NGO’s
c. People
d. Private sector
13. The promotion of the concept of health as personal responsibility is an element of this SSM pillar:
a. Quality Assurance b. Grants and technical assistance
c. Health promotion d. Award
14. Program categories of the SSM include the following EXCEPT:
a. STD/AIDS Prevention and Control
b. Cancer Control Program
c. Family Planning Program
d. Voluntary Blood Donation Program
15. The expected results of SSM is empowering individuals to:
a. demand for quality health services
b. develop quality services for health
c. develop a system for surveillance
d. advocate for laws that promote health
Situation 4: The CH nurse must be adept with the concepts and principles of CHN.
16. The ultimate goal of CHN is
a. health promotion and disease
b. upholding the worth and dignity of man
c. enhancing health capabilities of the
people towards self-reliance in health
d. raising the level of health of the
17. The primary goal of CHN is
a. health promotion and disease
b. upholding the worth and dignity of man
c. enhancing health capabilities of the
people towards self-reliance in health
d. Raising the level of health of the
18. The focus of CHN is
a. health promotion and disease
b. upholding the worth and dignity of man
c. enhancing health capabilities of the
people towards self-reliance in health
d. raising the level of health of the
19. The philosophy of CHN is
a. health promotion and disease
b. upholding the worth and dignity of man
c. enhancing health capabilities of the
people towards self-reliance in health
d. raising the level of health of the
20. The theoretical bases of Community Health Nursing practice are theories and principles of
a. Nursing
b. Public health
c. Community Development
d. Nursing and Public Health
Situation 5: The context of Community Health Nursing services is the health situation of community.
21. The health situation typifies the national health profile. This pertains to the following EXCEPT:
a. communicable and preventable disease dominating the morbidity and mortality patterns
b. high infant mortality rate and controlled maternal mortality rate
c. a young population
d. short life expectancy at birth
22. The underlying cause of the above health situation is:
a. lopsided priorities of the government
b. graft and corruption
c. underdevelopment of the country
d. backward culture of the Filipino people
23. To elicit improvement in the health situation, a CH nurse must adhere to the concepts that:
a. nurses must commit themselves towards serving the people
b. health teams must work hand-in-hand with the people
c. improvements in quality of life are possible through people’s participation
d. leaders must love people so they can save them from the bondage of poverty
24. As a step, people must be made aware of the relationship of their private concerns to societal
health promotion. This is done through
a. Health education
b. Community organizing
c. Concretization
d. Social dynamics
25. Concretely, people participation in health affairs is optimized through the establishment of
a. people’s organization
b. community-based health program
c. NGOs
d. Community health center
Situation 6: There are various theories and concepts governing Community Health Nursing PRACTICE.
26. The modern concept of health recognizes the following factors to be affecting the optimum level
of functioning
a. 1, 3, 5
b. all except 4
c. 2, 4, 5
d. all of the above
27. The client/patient in community health nursing is the
a. individual identified as a bio-psychosocial and spiritual being
b. family as the basic social unit undergoing different stages of development
c. population aggregates requiring specialized care
d. group of people sharing common characteristics and interests in a particular area
28. The focus of Care in CHN is the
a. individual
b. family
c. population group
d. community
29.Considering the family as the clientele in CHN, the focus of health promotion will be of healthy
a. Lifestyle
b. Norms
c. behaviors and belief
d. habits
30. In the mental health promotion among young adults, the following can be established by the CH
nurse EXCEPT:
a. setting a community-based theater
b. facilitating a sports festival for the
c. installation of a watch committee for
d. initiating the formation of youth clubs in
the community
31. In conducting a health promotion campaign to reach out to the members of the community living
in farther areas, the best method is
a. television plugging
b. community newsletter
c. radio blitz and sports
d. community assembly
Situation 7: The primary health care (PHC) approach is implemented to ensure people’s optimum health.
32. Full participation of the people is made possible through the application of community-organizing
process in health. The ultimate goal is to:
a. promote people’s health
b. transfer responsibility over health into
the hands of the people
c. develop community health programs
d. improve availability and accessibility of
health services
33. Health personnel must integrate with the people in the community. The best method of
community integration is:
a. conducting home visits
b. meeting people in place where they are
usually found
c. joining people in their sad and happy
d. participating in the production
processes of the community
34. Appropriate technology is applied through the utilization of herbal medicine. The following
statements are correct EXCEPT:
a. that bitter-tasting plants have
anesthetic and analgesic effects
b. that tannin and pectin in plants have
antiseptic effects.
c. that volatile oils are effective for
treatment of itching and gas pain
d. that high-potassium content of the
grass family is effective for diarrhea
35. The nurse in PHC initiates participation of the people in health affairs. This responsibility pertains
to her role as:
a. community organizer
b. health leader
c. health motivator
d. client advocate
36. There is a need for phase-out from the community once the community-based health program is
functional. The reason for is to:
a. start a new project in other depressed
b. test the viability of the new health
c. provide opportunity for the community
to stand on their own
d. indicate termination of communityorganizing
Situation 8: The primary health Care (PHC) approach is being utilized in the Community Health Nursing
37. The goal of the PHC program of the Department of Health is:
a. Health for all Filipinos
b. Health for all in 2000 and health in the hands of the people in 2020
c. Health for all in 2000 and beyond
d. In partnership with the people, provision of accessible, equitable, and quality health services to
the marginalized segments of the population
38. The cornerstones of the pillars of PHC are
1 – active community participation
2 – multisectoral approach
3 – use of appropriate technology
4 – all of the above
a. all of the above
b. 1 and 3
c. 1, 2, and 3
d. 1 and 2
39. In the levels of PHC workers, the barangay health workers are at the
a. grassroots level
b. intermediate
c. primary level
d. frontline
40. The following are strategies of PHC
a. effective preparation and enabling
process for health action
b. development and utilization of
appropriate technology
c. increasing opportunities for community
d. all of these
Situation 9: The effectiveness of Herbal Medicine is recognized in CHN.
41. For asthma, cough, fever, dysentery one may use
a. Lagundi b. Sambong
c. Yerba Buena d. Tsaang Gubat
42. For diarrhea and stomach ache, we can use the leaves of
a. Lagundi
b. Sambong
c. Yerba Buena
d. Tsaang Gubat
43. For urolithiasis, edema, and diuresis, make a decoction of
a. Lagundi
b. Sambong
c. Yerba Buena
d. Tsaang Gubat
44. For rheumatism, headache, coughs and colds, toothache with swollen gums, use the leaves of
a. Lagundi
b. Sambong
c. Yerba Buena
d. Tsaang Gubat
45. For Tinea flava, athlete’s foot, and scabies, the medical plant of choice is
a. Kalachuchi
b. Sambong
c. Bayabas
d. Akapulko
Situation 10: Acupressure is one of the many non-pharmacological treatment modalities used in the
46. Illness is present when there is
a. a depleted qi or life force
b. an imbalance between yin and yang
c. blocked meridians
d. absence of qi in a person
47. Acupressure should be used with caution among
a. hypertensives
b. obese individuals
c. pregnant women
d. diabetics
48. In locating pressure points, the nurse uses body inch called
a. ashi
b. tsun
c. meridians
d. moxa
49. Pressure is applied on the points using small circular motion at/by
a. 2–3 cycles per second
b. 600 to 3000 seconds
c. 15 minutes per point
d. Heavy strokes to cause pain
Situation 11: Health promotion is a major concern of the community health nurse.
50. The primary intention of health promotion is to
a. prevent occurrence of diseases
b. strengthen health capabilities of the
c. protect the health of the people
d. all of the above
51. Health promotion at the level of the individual employs
a. healthy lifestyle and behavior
b. equilibrium, harmony, and balance with
the environment
c. active formulation of basic needs,
human social wellness, worth, and
d. satisfaction of basic needs, human
worth, and dignity
52. Practices and habits affecting health refer to
a. health behavior and beliefs
b. hygienic practices
c. knowledge perception of health
d. lifestyle
53. The following activities pertain to health promotion EXCEPT
a. proper nutrition
b. chemoprophylaxis
c. personal hygiene
d. healthy, living environment
54. Societal wellness is defined in terms of the
a. satisfaction of basic needs of individual
b. protection of their worth, rights, and
c. recognition of their contribution to
d. all of the above
Situation 13: Communicable Disease Control Program is one component of the CHN services. The nurse
utilizes her concepts of disease prevention.
55. The best strategy in the prevention of communicable diseases is:
a. immunization/chemoprophylaxis
b. screening
c. correct diagnosis and treatment
d. health education
56. For tuberculosis, screening is appropriately done through
a. mass screening
b. case finding
c. contact diagnosis and treatment
d. health education
57. In HIV infection, the ELISA test is NOT a confirmatory test because it has
a. high sensitivity and low specificity
b. low sensitivity and high specificity
c. high sensitivity and high specificity
d. low sensitivity and low specificity
58. Primary level of prevention of ascariasis pertain to the following EXCEPT:
a. septic tank installation
b. food sanitation
c. handwashing
d. intake of mebendazole as
59. Tertiary level prevention measures in leprosy pertain to the following activities EXCEPT:
a. monitoring of lepromatous reaction
b. submission to slit skin smear
c. compliance to Dapsone regimen
d. occupational therapy
Situation 14: Reproductive health has been one of the foci of health promotion.
60. The goals of Reproductive Health promotion include
a. achievement of healthy sexual
development and maturation
b. achievement of reproductive intention
c. education on sexuality and reproduction
d. all of these
61. The focus of the International Reproductive Health Framework is
a. women’s health
b. family planning
c. men’s health
d. infertility
62. The local focus of reproductive health is
a. women
b. young adult
c. men
d. women and men
63. The elements of Reproductive Health include the following EXCEPT
a. violence against women
b. adolescent reproductive health
c. family planning
d. none of these
64. Reproductive Health address the following issues:
1 – restricted social mobility of women
2 - domestic violence
3 - economic dependence of women
4 - husbands providing guidance to wives
a. 1 and 2
b. 3 and 4
c. 2 and 3
d. all of these
Situation 15: Immunization is one of the basic health services available in the community.
65. The original objective of the Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI) is
a. to reduce morbidity and mortality
among infants
b. to control six immunizable diseases in
c. to eradicate epidemiological situations
in the country
d. reduce mortality and morbidity among
pregnant women
66. The target of EPI is
a. the entire community
b. attendees
c. individuals
d. mothers
67. BCG is given to school entrants at
a. 0.05 ml ID
b. 0.1 ml ID
c. 0.5 ml ID
d. 0.5 ml IM
68. The most serious side effect of DPT is/are
a. fever
b. an inflamed site
c. abscess at site of injection
d. convulsive episodes
69. Of the immunizable diseases, eradication campaign is focused on
a. diphtheria
b. measles
c. tetanus
d. poliomyelitis
Situation 16: Vital statistics provide an illustration of the health status of the community.
70. The following are examples of specific mortality rate EXCEPT
a. infant mortality rate
b. neonatal mortality rate
c. maternal mortality rate
d. incidence rate
71. The relative importance of a cause as a killer is computed by this rate:
a. case fatality
b. proportionate mortality
c. cause-of-death
d. crude death
72. The relative decrease in population due to deaths is referred to by this rate:
a. case fatality rate
b. proportionate mortality
c. cause-of-death
d. Specific mortality rate
73. In identifying the leading causes of mortality, this formula is used:
a. case fatality rate
b. proportionate mortality
c. cause-of-death rate
d. specific mortality rate
74. The killing power of a disease as compared to others can be illustrated by computing for
a. case fatality rate
b. proportionate mortality
c. cause-of-death
d. Specific mortality rate
Situation 18: CHN as a comprehensive and integrated approach enables health care providers to cater to
the health needs of the target population.
75. Alten is 2 months and diagnosed with pneumonia. In the CARI program, the following are true
a. that his respiratory rate is about
b. that Cotrimoxazole may be given
c. that fever and wheezing must be
treated before referral is done
d. that cases must be immediately
76. Dina had 5–10 bouts of watery stool in a day. Nursing interventions will include
a. provision of rehydration via ORS
b. referral for intravenous infusion
c. giving ORS and assessment 4-6 hours
d. Explanation to mother of the
implications of her child’s (++) skin fold
77. For deep abscess of DPT site, the intervention is
a. Warm compress
b. Incision drainage plus powdered INH
c. Incision and drainage then local
d. Postpone next DPT
78. Children with kwashiorkor have the following manifestation EXCEPT:
a. moonface
b. anxious to eat
c. stunted growth
d. skin sores
79. The main aim of the Family Planning Program is
a. family health solidarity
b. fertility regulation
c. maternal and child health
d. responsible parenthood
80. Mang Karyo complained of severe abdominal pain. As a nurse, one will do the following EXCEPT:
a. Making a nursing history
b. Conduct PE: inspect, palpate, percuss,
c. Refer to a hospital if necessary
d. None of the above
81. The following statements pertain to Community Organizing EXCEPT:
a. that its goal is community development
b. that it is a never-ending process once
c. that it can be applied for increasing
d. that it is a process for increasing
organization and initiating responsible
82. The impact indicators for phasing-out are any of the following EXCEPT:
a. results of the community diagnosis
b. training outcome
c. basic health indicators
d. vital statistics
83. Support mechanism of CO in health is ensured through the establishment of
a. people’s organization
b. CHW’s organization
c. Core-group formation
d. All of these
84. The basic approach in paying CO in Health is
a. primary health care
b. community-oriented organizing
c. community development
d. public health
Situation 19: The nurse assumes a variety of roles in the community.
85. The CH nurse as health monitor
a. participates in development and
distribution of IEC materials
b. provides technical and administrative
support to midwives
c. ensures continuity of care to
d. detects deviations from health
86. The CH nurse as health educator and counselor
a. participates in development and
distribution of IEC materials
b. provides technical and administrative
support to midwives
c. ensures continuity of care to
d. detects deviations from health
87. The CH nurse as supervisor
a. participates in development and
distribution of IEC materials
b. provides technical and administrative
support to midwives
c. ensures continuity of care to
d. detects deviations from health
88. The CH nurse as provider of care
a. participates in development and
distribution of IEC materials
b. provides technical and administrative
support to midwives
c. ensures continuity of care to
d. detects deviations from health
89.When the CH nurse initiates community participation, she is performing her role as
a. model
b. change agent
c. coordinator of services
d. community health organizer
Situation 20: Patrice is the new Public Health nurse of Pasong Tala. To prepare for her work, she must be
adept with the concepts of Community Health Nursing (CHN).
90. The community is an integral part of any given society. This means all of the following EXCEPT:
a. that societal problems will affect the very lives of people in the community
b. that community problems are dynamic outcomes of familial and individual problems
c. that no community can become self-reliant unless the society is self-reliant
d. that through understanding of processes in the community, the society provides set solutions to
particular problems
91.The community is always is a state of continuous movement and change. This means
a. that the condition in the community is static
b. that contradictions bring about changes in the community
c. that regular assessment of community’s situation is better than continuous appraisal
d. that accumulated experiences will enable the nurse to readily address any given problem
92. If the condition in the community is always changing, it is to
a. utilize existing community resources
b. draw lessons from previous experiences
c. conduct regular assessment of
community’s situation
d. identify health action capability of the
93. The CH nurse recognizes the necessity for people’s participation in
a. identifying community health problems
and needs
b. prioritizing health problems and needs
c. developing plans for addressing health
problem and needs
d. all phases of the decision-making
94. The CHN services provided by the nurse are directed towards the following:
1 – Families in their homes
2 – The school population
3 – Workers of all occupation
4 – Population groups
a. 1 only b. 1 and 4
c. 1, 2 and 3 d. all
Situation 23: The Public Health Nurse must uphold the following CHN principles.
95. The vital parts of CHN practice are
a. Health education and counseling
b. Health and longevity
c. Health and development
d. Health and social justice
96. To ensure competent practice and quality care, nurses must
a. Conduct and/or participate in research
b. Attend seminars, symposia, and forums
c. Take up a Master’s Degree in nursing
d. Provide care to individuals, families, and groups in the community
97. In the application of the nursing process in the care of different levels of clientele in CHN, the
nurse performs her role as
a. Health monitor
b. Health educator-counselor
c. Provider of care
d. Community health organizer
98. Indigenous community resources, which the CHN nurse can utilize, are the following:
1 – herbal medicine
2 – finger pressure
3 – barangay health workers
4 – community members
a. 1 only
b. 1 & 2
c. 1, 2, & 3
d. All of these
99. In dealing with values, customs, and beliefs of people the best action is to:
a. Analyze the historical context of these
values, customs, and beliefs
b. Maintain a non-judgmental attitude
c. Provide scientific explanation for these
d. Find entry point for changing these
Situation 24: Patrice has to deal with the indigenous people in the area.
100. When providing care to an indigenous family, the most important factor to consider is
a. Close association with nature and its elements
b. Health practices of the family
c. Family-time orientation
d. Meaningful communication
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