SITUATION : Epidemiology and Vital statistics is a very important tool that a nurse could use in controlling the spread of disease in the community and at the same time, surveying the impact of the disease on the population and prevent it’s future occurrence.
1. It is concerned with the study of factors that influence the occurrence and distribution of diseases, defects, disability or death which occurs in groups or aggregation of individuals.
A. Epidemiology
B. Demographics
C. Vital Statistics
D. Health Statistics
2. Which of the following is the backbone in disease prevention?
A. Epidemiology
B. Demographics
C. Vital Statistics
D. Health Statistics
3. Which of the following type of research could show how community expectations can result in the actual provision of services?
A. Basic Research
B. Operational Research
C. Action Research
D. Applied Research
4. An outbreak of measles has been reported in Community A. As a nurse, which of the following is your first action for an Epidemiological investigation?
A. Classify if the outbreak of measles is epidemic or just sporadic
B. Report the incidence into the RHU
C. Determine the first day when the outbreak occurred
D. Identify if it is the disease which it is reported to be
5. After the epidemiological investigation produced final conclusions, which of the following is your initial step in your operational procedure during disease outbreak?
A. Coordinate personnel from Municipal to the National level
B. Collect pertinent laboratory specimen to confirm disease causation
C. Immunize nearby communities with Measles
D. Educate the community in future prevention of similar outbreaks
6. The main concern of a public health nurse is the prevention of disease, prolonging of life and promoting physical health and efficiency through which of the following?
A. Use of epidemiological tools and vital health statistics
B. Determine the spread and occurrence of the disease
C. Political empowerment and Socio Economic Assistance
D. Organized Community Efforts
7. In order to control a disease effectively, which of the following must first be known?
1. The conditions surrounding its occurrence
2. Factors that do not favor its development
3. The condition that do not surround its occurrence
4. Factors that favors its development
A. 1 and 3
B. 1 and 4
C. 2 and 3
D. 2 and 4
8. All of the following are uses of epidemiology except:
A. To study the history of health population and the rise and fall of disease
B. To diagnose the health of the community and the condition of the people
C. To provide summary data on health service delivery
D. To identify groups needing special attention
9. Before reporting the fact of presence of an epidemic, which of the following is of most importance to determine?
A. Are the facts complete?
B. Is the disease real?
C. Is the disease tangible?
D. Is it epidemic or endemic?
10. An unknown epidemic has just been reported in Barangay Dekbudekbu. People said that affected person demonstrates hemorrhagic type of fever. You are designated now to plan for epidemiological investigation. Arrange the sequence of events in accordance with the correct outline plan for epidemiological investigation.
1. Report the presence of dengue
2. Summarize data and conclude the final picture of epidemic
3. Relate the occurrence to the population group, facilities, food supply and carriers
4. Determine if the disease is factual or real
5. Determine any unusual prevalence of the disease and its nature; is it epidemic, sporadic, endemic or pandemic?
6. Determine onset and the geographical limitation of the disease.
A. 4,1,3,5,2,6
B. 4,1,5,6,3,2
C. 5,4,6,2,1,3
D. 5,4,6,1,2,3
E. 1,2,3,4,5,6
11. In the occurrence of SARS and other pandemics, which of the following is the most vital role of a nurse in epidemiology?
A. Health promotion
B. Disease prevention
C. Surveillance
D. Casefinding
12. Measles outbreak has been reported in Barangay Bahay Toro, After conducting an epidemiological investigation you have confirmed that the outbreak is factual. You are tasked to lead a team of medical workers for operational procedure in disease outbreak. Arrange the correct sequence of events that you must do to effectively contain the disease
1. Create a final report and recommendation
2. Perform nasopharyngeal swabbing to infected individuals
3. Perform mass measles immunization to vulnerable groups
4. Perform an environmental sanitation survey on the immediate environment
5. Organize your team and Coordinate the personnels
6. Educate the community on disease transmission
A. 1,2,3,4,5,6
B. 6,5,4,3,2,1
C. 5,6,4,2,3,1
D. 5,2,3,4,6,1
13. All of the following are function of Nurse Budek in epidemiology except
A. Laboratory Diagnosis
B. Surveillance of disease occurrence
C. Follow up cases and contacts
D. Refer cases to hospitals if necessary
E. Isolate cases of communicable disease
14. All of the following are performed in team organization except
A. Orientation and demonstration of methodology to be employed
B. Area assignments of team members
C. Check team’s equipments and paraphernalia
D. Active case finding and Surveillance
15. Which of the following is the final output of data reporting in epidemiological operational procedure?
A. Recommendation
B. Evaluation
C. Final Report
D. Preliminary report
16. The office in charge with registering vital facts in the
17. The following are possible sources of Data except:
A. Experience
B. Census
C. Surveys
D. Research
18. This refers to systematic study of vital events such as births, illnesses, marriages, divorces and deaths
A. Epidemiology
B. Demographics
C. Vital Statistics
D. Health Statistics
19. In case of clerical errors in your birth certificate, Where should you go to have it corrected?
B. Court of Appeals
C. Municipal Trial Court
D. Local Civil Registrar
20. Acasia just gave birth to Lestat, A healthy baby boy. Who are going to report the birth of Baby Lestat?
A. Nurse
B. Midwife
D. Birth Attendant
21. In reporting the birth of Baby Lestat, where will he be registered?
A. At the Local Civil Registrar
B. In the National Statistics Office
C. In the City Health Department
D. In the Field Health Services and Information System Main Office
22. Deejay, The birth attendant noticed that Lestat has low set of ears, Micrognathia, Microcephaly and a typical cat like cry. What should Deejay do?
A. Bring Lestat immediately to the nearest hospital
B. Ask his assistant to call the nearby pediatrician
C. Bring Lestat to the nearest pediatric clinic
D. Call a Taxi and together with Acasia, Bring Lestat to the nearest hospital
23. Deejay would suspect which disorder?
A. Trisomy 21
B. Turners Syndrome
C. Cri Du Chat
D. Klinefelters Syndrome
24. Deejay could expect which of the following congenital anomaly that would accompany this disorder?
26. Which presidential decree orders reporting of births within 30 days after its occurrence?
A. 651
B. 541
C. 996
D. 825
25. These rates are referred to the total living population, It must be presumed that the total population was exposed to the risk of occurrence of the event.
A. Rate
B. Ratio
C. Crude/General Rates
D. Specific Rate
26. These are used to describe the relationship between two numerical quantities or measures of events without taking particular considerations to the time or place.
A. Rate
B. Ratios
C. Crude/General Rate
D. Specific Rate
27. This is the most sensitive index in determining the general health condition of a community since it reflects the changes in the environment and medical conditions of a community
A. Crude death rate
B. Infant mortality rate
C. Maternal mortality rate
D. Fetal death rate
28. According to the WHO, which of the following is the most frequent cause of death in children underfive worldwide in the 2003 WHO Survey?
A. Neonatal
B. Pneumonia
C. Diarrhea
29. In the
A. Pneumonia
B. Diarrhea
C. Other perinatal condition
D. Respiratory condition of fetus and newborn
30. The major cause of mortality from 1999 up to 2002 in the
A. Diseases of the heart
B. Diseases of the vascular system
C. Pneumonias
D. Tuberculosis
31. Alicia, a 9 year old child asked you “ What is the common cause of death in my age group here in the
A. Pneumonia is the top leading cause of death in children age 5 to 9
B. Malignant neoplasm if common in your age group
C. Probability wise, You might die due to accidents
D. Diseases of the respiratory system is the most common cause of death in children
32. In children 1 to 4 years old, which is the most common cause of death?
A. Diarrhea
B. Accidents
C. Pneumonia
D. Diseases of the heart
33. Working in the community as a PHN for almost 10 years, Aida knew the fluctuation in vital statistics. She knew that the most common cause of morbidity among the Filipinos is
A. Diseases of the heart
B. Diarrhea
C. Pneumonia
D. Vascular system diseases
34. Nurse Aida also knew that most maternal deaths are caused by
A. Hemorrhage
B. Other Complications related to pregnancy occurring in the course of labor, delivery and puerperium
C. Hypertension complicating pregnancy, childbirth and puerperium
D. Abortion
SITUATION : Barangay PinoyBSN has the following data in year 2006
1. July 1 population : 254,316
2. Livebirths : 2,289
3. Deaths from maternal cause : 15
4. Death from CVD : 3,029
5. Deaths under 1 year of age : 23
6. Fetal deaths : 8
7. Deaths under 28 days : 8
8. Death due to rabies : 45
9. Registered cases of rabies : 45
10. People with pneumonia : 79
11. People exposed with pneumonia : 2,593
12. Total number of deaths from all causes : 10,998
The following questions refer to these data
35. What is the crude birth rate of Barangay PinoyBSN?
A. 90/100,000
B. 9/100
C. 90/1000
D. 9/1000
36. What is the cause specific death rate from cardiovascular diseases?
A. 27/100
B. 1191/100,000
C. 27/100,000
D. 1.1/1000
37. What is the Maternal Mortality rate of this barangay?
A. 6.55/1000
B. 5.89/1000
C. 1.36/1000
D. 3.67/1000
38. What is the fetal death rate?
A. 3.49/1000
B. 10.04/1000
C. 3.14/1000
D. 3.14/100,000
39. What is the attack rate of pneumonia?
A. 3.04/1000
B. 7.18/1000
C. 32.82/100
D. 3.04/100
40. Determine the Case fatality ratio of rabies in this Barangay
A. 1/100
B. 100%
C. 1%
D. 100/1000
41. The following are all functions of the nurse in vital statistics, which of the following is not?
A. Consolidate Data
B. Collects Data
C. Analyze Data
D. Tabulate Data
42. The following are Notifiable diseases that needs to have a tally sheet in data reporting, Which one is not?
A. Hypertension
B. Bronchiolitis
C. Chemical Poisoning
D. Accidents
43. Which of the following requires reporting within 24 hours?
A. Neonatal tetanus
B. Measles
C. Hypertension
D. Tetanus
44. Which Act declared that all communicable disease be reported to the nearest health station?
A. 1082
B. 1891
C. 3573
D. 6675
45. In the RHU Team, Which professional is directly responsible in caring a sick person who is homebound?
A. Midwife
B. Nurse
D. Physician
46. During epidemics, which of the following epidemiological function will you have to perform first?
A. Teaching the community on disease prevention
B. Assessment on suspected cases
C. Monitor the condition of people affected
D. Determining the source and nature of the epidemic
47. Which of the following is a POINT SOURCE epidemic?
A. Dengue H.F
B. Malaria
C. Contaminated Water Source
D. Tuberculosis
48. All but one is a characteristic of a point source epidemic, which one is not?
A. The spread of the disease is caused by a common vehicle
B. The disease is usually caused by contaminated food
C. There is a gradual increase of cases
D. Epidemic is usually sudden
49. The only Microorganism monitored in cases of contaminated water is
A. Vibrio Cholera
B. Escherichia Coli
C. Entamoeba Histolytica
D. Coliform Test
50. Dengue increase in number during June, July and August. This pattern is called
A. Epidemic
B. Endemic
C. Cyclical
D. Secular
SITUATION : Field health services and information system provides summary data on health service delivery and selected program from the barangay level up to the national level. As a nurse, you should know the process on how these information became processed and consolidated.
51. All of the following are objectives of FHSIS Except
A. To complete the clinical picture of chronic disease and describe their natural history
B. To provide standardized, facility level data base which can be accessed for more in depth studies
C. To minimize recording and reporting burden allowing more time for patient care and promotive activities
D. To ensure that data reported are useful and accurate and are disseminated in a timely and easy to use fashion
52. What is the fundamental block or foundation of the field health service information system?
A. Family treatment record
B. Target Client list
C. Reporting forms
D. Output record
53. What is the primary advantage of having a target client list?
A. Nurses need not to go back to FTR to monitor treatment and services to beneficiaries thus saving time and effort
B. Help monitor service rendered to clients in general
C. Facilitate monitoring and supervision of services
D. Facilitates easier reporting
54. Which of the following is used to monitor particular groups that are qualified as eligible to a certain program of the DOH?
A. Family treatment record
B. Target Client list
C. Reporting forms
D. Output record
55. In using the tally sheet, what is the recommended frequency in tallying activities and services?
A. Daily
B. Weekly
C. Monthly
D. Quarterly
56. When is the counting of the tally sheet done?
A. At the end of the day
B. At the end of the week
C. At the end of the month
D. At the end of the year
57. Target client list will be transmitted to the next facility in the form of
A. Family treatment record
B. Target Client list
C. Reporting forms
D. Output record
58. All but one of the following are eligible target client list
A. Leprosy cases
B. TB cases
C. Prenatal care
D. Diarrhea cases
59. This is the only mechanism through which data are routinely transmitted from once facility to another
A. Family treatment record
B. Target Client list
C. Reporting forms
D. Output record
60. FHSIS/Q-3 Or the report for environmental health activities is prepared how frequently?
A. Daily
B. Weekly
C. Quarterly
D. Yearly
61. Nurse Budek is preparing the reporting form for weekly notifiable diseases. He knew that he will code the report form as
62. In preparing the maternal death report, which of the following correctly codes this occurrence?
63. Where should Nurse Budek bring the reporting forms if he is in the BHU Facility?
A. Rural health office
B. FHSIS Main office
C. Provincial health office
D. Regional health office
64. After bringing the reporting forms in the right facility for processing, Nurse Budek knew that the output reports are solely produced by what office?
A. Rural health office
B. FHSIS Main office
C. Provincial health office
D. Regional health office
65. Mang Raul entered the health center complaining of fatigue and frequent syncope. You assessed Mang Raul and found out that he is severely malnourished and anemic. What record should you get first to document these findings?
A. Family treatment record
B. Target Client list
C. Reporting forms
D. Output record
66. The information about Mang Raul’s address, full name, age, symptoms and diagnosis is recorded in
A. Family treatment record
B. Target Client list
C. Reporting forms
D. Output record
67. Another entry is to be made for Mang Raul because he is in the target client’s list, In what TCL should Mang Raul’s entry be documented?
A. TCL Eligible Population
B. TCL Family Planning
C. TCL Nutrition
D. TCL Pre
68. The nurse uses the FHSIS Record system incorrectly when she found out that
A. She go to the individual or FTR for entry confirmation in the Tally/Report Summary
B. She refer to other sources for completing monthly and quarterly reports
C. She records diarrhea in the Tally sheet/Report form with a code FHSIS/M-1
D. She records a Child who have frequent diarrhea in TCL : Under Five
69. The BHS Is the lowest level of reporting unit in FHSIS. A BHS can be considered a reporting unit if all of the following are met except
A. It renders service to 3 barangays
B. There is a midwife the regularly renders service to the area
C. The BHS Have no mother BHS
D. It should be a satellite BHS
70. Data submitted to the PHO is processed using what type of technology?
A. Internet
B. Microcomputer
C. Supercomputer
D. Server Interlink Connections
SITUATION : Community organizing is a process by which people, health services and agencies of the community are brought together to act and solve their own problems.
71. Mang ambo approaches you for counseling. You are an effective counselor if you
A. Give good advice to Mang Ambo
B. Identify Mang Ambo’s problems
C. Convince Mang Ambo to follow your advice
D. Help Mang Ambo identify his problems
72. As a newly appointed PHN instructed to organize Barangay Ba
A. Study the Barangay Health statistics and records
B. Make a courtesy call to the Barangay Captain
C. Meet with the Barangay Captain to make plans
D. Make a courtesy call to the Municipal Mayor
73. Preparatory phase is the first phase in organizing the community. Which of the following is the initial step in the preparatory phase?
A. Area selection
B. Community profiling
C. Entry in the community
D. Integration with the people
74. the most important factor in determining the proper area for community organizing is that this area should
A. Be already adopted by another organization
B. Be able to finance the projects
C. Have problems and needs assistance
D. Have people with expertise to be developed as leaders
75. Which of the following dwelling place should the Nurse choose when integrating with the people?
A. A simple house in the border of Barangay Ba
B. A simple house with fencing and gate located in the center of Barangay Ba
C. A modest dwelling place where people will not hesitate to enter
D. A modest dwelling place where people will not hesitate to enter located in the center of the community
76. In choosing a leader in the community during the Organizational phase, Which among these people will you choose?
A. Miguel Zobel, 50 years old, Rich and Famous
B. Rustom, 27 years old, Actor
C. Mang Ambo, 70, Willing to work for the desired change
D. Ricky, 30 years old, Influential and Willing to work for the desired change
77. Which type of leadership style should the leaders of the community practice?
A. Autocratic
B. Democratic
C. Laissez Faire
D. Consultative
78. Setting up Committee on Education and Training is in what phase of COPAR?
A. Preparatory
B. Organizational
C. Education and Training
D. Intersectoral Collaboration
E. Phase out
79. Community diagnosis is done to come up with a profile of local health situation that will serve as basis of health programs and services. This is done in what phase of COPAR?
A. Preparatory
B. Organizational
C. Education and Training
D. Intersectoral Collaboration
E. Phase out
80. The people named the community health workers based on the collective decision in accordance with the set criteria. Before they can be trained by the Nurse, The Nurse must first
A. Make a lesson plan
B. Set learning goals and objective
C. Assess their learning needs
D. Review materials needed for training
81. Nurse Budek wrote a letter to PCSO asking them for assistance in their feeding programs for the community’s nutrition and health projects. PCSO then approved the request and gave Budek 50,000 Pesos and a truckload of rice, fruits and vegetables. Which phase of COPAR did Budek utilized?
A. Preparatory
B. Organizational
C. Education and Training
D. Intersectoral Collaboration
E. Phase out
82. Ideally, How many years should the Nurse stay in the community before he can phase out and be assured of a Self Reliant community?
A. 5 years
B. 10 years
C. 1 year
D. 6 months
83. Major discussion in community organization are made by
A. The nurse
B. The leaders of each committee
C. The entire group
D. Collaborating Agencies
84. The nurse should know that Organizational plan best succeeds when
1. People sees its values
2. People think its antagonistic professionally
3. It is incompatible with their personal beliefs
4. It is compatible with their personal beliefs
A. 1 and 3
B. 2 and 4
C. 1 and 2
D. 1 and 4
85. Nurse Budek made a proposal that people should turn their backyard into small farming lots to plant vegetables and fruits. He specified that the objective is to save money in buying vegetables and fruits that tend to have a fluctuating and cyclical price. Which step in Community organizing process did he utilized?
A. Fact finding
B. Determination of needs
C. Program formation
D. Education and Interpretation
86. One of the critical steps in COPAR is becoming one with the people and understanding their culture and lifestyle. Which critical step in COPAR will the Nurse try to immerse himself in the community?
A. Integration
B. Social Mobilization
C. Ground Work
D. Mobilization
87. The Actual exercise of people power occurs during when?
A. Integration
B. Social Mobilization
C. Ground Work
D. Mobilization
88. Which steps in COPAR trains indigenous and informal leaders?
A. Ground Work
B. Mobilization
C. Core Group formation
D. Integration
89. As a PHN, One of your role is to organize the community. Nurse Budek knows that the purposes of community organizing are
1. Move the community to act on their own problems
2. Make people aware of their own problems
3. Enable the nurse to solve the community problems
4. Offer people means of solving their own problems
A. 1,2,3
B. 1,2,3,4
C. 1,2
D. 1,2,4
90. This is considered the first act of integrating with the people. This gives an in depth participation in community health problems and needs.
A. Residing in the area of assignment
B. Listing down the name of person to contact for courtesy call
C. Gathering initial information about the community
D. Preparing Agenda for the first meeting
SITUATION : Health education is the process whereby knowledge, attitude and practice of people are changed to improve individual, family and community health.
91. Which of the following is the correct sequence in health education?
1. Information
2. Communication
3. Education
A. 1,2,3
B. 3,2,1
C. 1,3,2
D. 3,1,2
92. The health status of the people is greatly affected and determined by which of the following?
A. Behavioral factors
B. Socioeconomic factors
C. Political factors
D. Psychological factors
93. Nurse Budek is conducting a health teaching to Agnesia, 50 year old breast cancer survivor needing rehabilitative measures. He knows that health education is effective when
A. Agnesia recites the procedure and instructions perfectly
B. Agnesia’s behavior and outlook in life was changed positively
C. Agnesia gave feedback to Budek saying that she understood the instruction
D. Agnesia requested a written instruction from Budek
94. Which of the following is true about health education?
A. It helps people attain their health through the nurse’s sole efforts
B. It should not be flexible
C. It is a fast and mushroom like process
D. It is a slow and continuous process
95. Which of the following factors least influence the learning readiness of an adult learner?
A. The individuals stage of development
B. Ability to concentrate on information to be learned
C. The individual’s psychosocial adaptation to his illness
D. The internal impulses that drive the person to take action
96. Which of the following is the most important condition for diabetic patients to learn how to control their diet?
A. Use of pamphlets and other materials during instructions
B. Motivation to be symptom free
C. Ability of the patient to understand teaching instruction
D. Language used by the nurse
97. An important skill that a primigravida has to acquire is the ability to bathe her newborn baby and clean her breast if she decides to breastfeed her baby, Which of the following learning domain will you classify the above goals?
A. Psychomotor
B. Cognitive
C. Affective
D. Attitudinal
98. When you prepare your teaching plan for a group of hypertensive patients, you first formulate your learning objectives. Which of the following steps in the nursing process corresponds to the writing of the learning objectives?
A. Planning
B. Implementing
C. Evaluation
C. Assessment
99. Rose, 50 years old and newly diagnosed diabetic patient must learn how to inject insulin. Which of the following physical attribute is not in anyway related to her ability to administer insulin?
A. Strength
B. Coordination
C. Dexterity
D. Muscle Built
100. Appearance and disposition of clients are best observed initially during which of the following situation?
A. Taking V/S
B. Interview
C. Implementation of the initial care
D. Actual Physical examination
CHN Drill 6 answer
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